Private one on one sessions
Joseph Pilates believed all beginners start with at least ten solo sessions. We agree.
Experience shows us in ten solo sessions, most can start to understand the Pilates Method. Solos consist of one instructor to one client for 55 minutes.
Learning Pilates starts with the fundamentals Joseph Pilates created himself. Through these basic exercises you gradually connect your thoughts to your body’s movements, learning focus and precision, creating the Mind/Body connection. Your team of instructors, observing your growth over time, will challenge you with specific exercises to obtain your desired goals.
Semi private session
The Method must be clearly understood before a ABC staff member will recommend small group apparatus classes.
Semi private sessions are of no more than 3 people. They are designed to enhance the rhythm of your workouts. There will be one instructor for two or three people. Group sessions challenge the individual to think and produce at a higher level. One must be responsible for themselves a little more. The energy and pace is faster. Yet the instruction is just as individualized.
Sport Specific Pilates
Pilates has been around for nearly a century. Professional dancers were the first to utilize Joseph Pilate’s techniques to make them stronger and more balanced. His techniques have proven successful in keeping injuries at bay. Over the last decade many professional athletes have come to learn the same. Golf Pros, Tiger Woods, Rich Beem, basketballs LeBron James, footballs Antonio Brown, and Baseballs Jake Arrieta, to name a few. The magazines and newspapers of late have been filled with articles about pro football and baseball teams have been using it as well. Pilates will enhance any athlete’s game. You tell us your sport and we will custom design your Pilates program just for your needs.
Massage is utilized in the treatment of a wide range of medical conditions: allergies, aching muscles, arthritis, asthma and bronchitis, carpal tunnel and thoracic outlet syndrome, chronic and temporary pain, cancer, circulatory and lymphatic problems, depression, digestive disorders, headaches/migraines, insomnia, immune system disorders, fibromyalgia and myofascial pain, pregnancy and postpartum syndrome, PMS, reduced range of motion, sinusitis, surgery recovery, injuries from accidents or sports, strains and sprains, stress, scar tissue, restrictions, sciatica and TMJ dysfunction.
Massage increases metabolism, hastens healing, and aids the body in detoxification. Circulation of blood and lymph is improved, therefore improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the body. Therapeutic Massage is increasingly being prescribed by physicians and mental health professionals to complement traditional medical treatments. A growing body of research documents the beneficial results of touch.